
I see myself. Where am I? I am a top a tree. The only danger is falling. Below me is feet and feet of darkness. I haven't seen the sun for so long it takes what seems forever to adjust my eyes to the promising light which I know I can only gaze into for a few moments without having to climb back down. The air is filled with butterflies and my peeping head over a valley of trees which only appear to have no end. If only I could tell myself that there is a way out. Out of the darkness. That I don't have to stay in this tree forever, just to keep seeing the light. I made it this far. I won't give up. Others are waiting on me below. I can't stop now. In fact, I have no intention of doing such a thing. But, now I have to face reality. Of climbing back down.
(My inspiration for this paragraph? The book in English I am currently reading. =] )
These past few days have been good ones-though my blog has suffered, and even my journal hasn't know of my ventures. As for my journal I believe I lost it. Troubling, but I haven't even had time to write in it on behalf of tiredness. I have found some hope, some "light through the darkness," and a glimpse of what a life of faith looks like. :)
Probably the most exciting thing that has occurred is the race I ran yesterday. As most of you know the cross country season has been a struggle. The doctor appointments. The glimpses of what running is like. And then the worst: the simple realization that my stress fracture is not healed and the only thing I can do it wait. Patience. The characteristic I kept telling myself and everyone around me that God was trying to instill in me. Running the 5k yesterday was a break through. I was scared at the beginning. The day before had been the first time I had ran the course and completed it-hardly. The anxiousness consumed my body and tiredness made me want to not even try. Then the starting gun shot off. My body propelled me forward. Next to me was the second to last girl. I started striving to go forward. One after another. I would run with the next and the next until I passed them. I started thanking God for the strength he gave me. I know that is what got me through. I finished with my sprint as fast as though I was running from a flood. I wiped the sweat off, realizing the girl I had been running with at the beginning had been far behind me at this point. I finished!
The only bad thing, is that today during practice that familiar pain began once again in my left leg. I stopped, though I wanted to keep going. My sister comforted me with the words, "If you stop now, it has a better chance of healing and you being able to run another race." I suppose I haven't learned patience yet! On the other hand, I can now strive for more a goal then when I started with. My biggest dream became my biggest fear which has now developed into one of my biggest accomplishments. God is good! =)
In other notes: School has been going along swiftly. As a matter of fact, almost everything is going along swiftly at the moment. I feel happy and content. Though today is French I did notice myself getting obscurely antsy. I wanted to jump off the ceilings. :} Anyways-I look forward to seeing you all soon! Keep me in your prayers, and I will do the same. :] To close; It is good to be back 'home' on my blog and your 'doorsteps' to have an insight to your hectic lives.
-Miss Organic Lady.-


Jen said...

Welcome back! Congrats on the race! I will keep praying for that leg to be 100%.

I was a bit scared with that first paragraph, thinking that you really were feeling hopeless! Great writing! What book inspired it?

Love, Mrs. G

Anonymous said...

You're amazing:)