
Tag. (good for runners. :])

I was tagged by Inglesidemom

1. I love mud. Gross, perhaps. :)

2. I laugh super hard about the silliest things, such as little kiddy movies.

3. I am scared of building insulation. Yes, when we built our garage and the pink fuzzy stuff was all over the place, I would run through the garage squeal ling to get the van.

4. I am super finicky about lotions. I think half of them smell wretched, while other people disagree, saying I am plain picky!

5. I hate riding ski lifts, yet I love roller coasters.

6. Most breathe mints are too strong for me, so I will suck on one, and then later spit it out.

7. I love world music. The one song on my blog is by the French singer Soko. :)

I tagged: Hanna Sabrina Kelsey Ashley Becca Mom Lauren

-Miss Organic Lady.


Lisa said...

Interesting info! I know you love to laugh and be silly. :)

Sorry I haven't been to your blog much lately. Busy days!

You looked so cute at church this morning. Great job with the creative arts team.

Love, Mrs. K.

Jen said...

Okay - #1 did not surprise me for some reason and #3 made me laugh! You silly goose!

Mrs. G