
time flys by when you are having fun. ;)

Hello fellow bloggers.
These past few days of absence from blogging have been over all good. With school drama starting my highschool has once again become my second home!
I have three homes:
1) My actual house. Out in the boonies, perhaps, but there is where my family is, my room is, and my blaring music is also home to.
2) school. yes, even during the summer due to sports practices.
3) My church. little places to hide away and know that God is there. =]
Of all the business, excitement, and craziness the one thing that really hit me was everything that happened last night. :) Last night was the Seventh Day Slumber concert. K surprised me by coming and not telling me! =} After meeting at the L's, we all went. The three bands that were there were Chasen, the Afters, and Seventh Day Slumber. At the end of the concert the lead singer began to tell us his testimony. Chills were spent down my spine as you could just hear all of the conquered bitterness that shone through in his voice. For all he has been through, and that he still can confidently tell his story to so many people is simply amazing. Even more how much love he had for his family, and gives everything up to God. After his testimony was complete he began to pray and had an alter call for anyone who has and had been hurt and needed prayer. All of us girls held hands and walked up together. After the concert, when talking to Mr.L, he admitted to crying when he saw all of us girls walking up there. God's power and presence was completely there. As Christians I think we need spiritual refreshers. Going places that inspire us to live for God, and encourage us to continue walking out in faith, perseverance, and love. For me, this was a spiritual refreshment that has changed my view on a lot of things. For me, the biggest lesson learned is that we don't have to have a victim mentality while walking through life. We don't have to drag our feet and put our heads down like everyone else is out to get us. We can declare the victory through our Saviour. Amen!
Two scriptures that have recently spoke to me are:
"And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:7 -and- "You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy…” Psalm 16:11
I hope you feel encouraged and refreshed as you lay everything down. Also, I don't mean to put anyone down or say that you aren't doing anything godly, but I simply wanted to share a view I have, and the refreshment that I received. Be bold! :)
Miss Organic Lady.


Anonymous said...

last night was AWSOME!!!!!!!!!

runnergirl© said...

yeah it was!!! :)
Thanks so much for inviting me to it babe.

miss_lep said...

sounds like you had a wonderful night!

Anonymous said...

Hanging out in the "God Atmosphere" is truly the best!