
cleaning therapy

Today was on the chilly side so I opted to put on the classic denim and arrive to school for the last day. I haven't been feeling good for the past two days with an unknown diagnoses. Today, however, seemed to change that.

Last night I had a 'revelation' which started with me cleaning my room. Sometimes I feel guilty after popping in to friends' houses which have disgustingly clean rooms and claim they are messy. I go home and realize I have hair accessories spilling out on my counter and crawling onto the floor and an unmade bed. I like things clean, but the past few weeks have been a whirl. The only thing I had managed was the needed laundry. My goal for this summer is to keep my room spotless, but perhaps since I will be doing a good amount of traveling it is cheating with less upkeep. In cleaning my room I found some things that I have ignored for far too long. My bible was on top, but my devotionals were amidst a cluttered book-bin. In looking at some of the devotionals I wondered why I had even chosen them! I am an advocater of devotionals, but what happens when Christian magazines and devotionals take over the time that you would be reading your Bible, instead of serving as supplements. So, in organizing I only kept one devotional. I put the others in a nearby bookshelf that was in another room. I realized I had so many devotionals I was reading, I was enjoying the stories more than I was the points about God's character. The pure words of the Bible are the best (even though God still uses my Joel Osteen email devotionals to speak to me.)

I have overfilling excitement for this summer, but in a post that my friend put the other day: "I had so many expectations for the summer that it wasn't hardly as good as I was hoping."

For this summer; I want to renew my relationship with my Savior, see my family in a new light, realize how much I am blessed, do the things that make me happy and connect with God. i.e. knitting, reading, playing my guitar and flute, running, learning keyboard, etc. As Pastor once said in a past sermon, "Your passion is what you will put your time into."

-trying new things;Miss Organic Lady


Hanna said...

Very good. I try to keep our room clean, but i live with a ten year old whom I love dearly... You lucky! Btw - I still need a tan, girl! *lol*

- hanna liz

Jen said...

I feel the same about devotionals. They are to encoruage me in the Word, not take the place of it. Sometimes I think we are drawn to the pretty covers and clean pages.

Mrs. G