
a day so quickly gone by

A tear is a tear. I cried today thinking of all of my friends from the mission trip. We all were so close and bonded, and even though it has been just over a month, we were a family. Some how I slipped that in with my business. but, look here! I am blogging. :)
Today I went to school, received a 104% on my algebra test, finished all of my homework with speed, ran at cross country practice, tried out for the fall play, and the went to the 2 hour flag line practice. I decided that I need to spend some more time perfecting my flute playing, so I started working on my competition piece once I got home. For the first time today, I have found myself taking a huge breath of air and exhaling very, very, very s-l-o-w-l-y.
I have been thinking of goals I have. Most of you know I am a very goal oriented person. (: My current goal is to train for a triathlon. After cross country season is over, I am hoping on doing some private swim lessons to help with my strokes and speed. Basically, I just need to work a bit on the running and bicycling, and of course the season has gotten me to some exciting times.
love you all so much, and piglet, I checked you blog but you hadn't written anything new. tear. comments please. (my adoring fans.) -Miss organic lady.


Jen said...

AHHHHHH - a new post is a breath of fresh air! Glad you are doing well. Hope to hear that flute at church soon - guitar, too!

Mrs. G

Hanna said...

Okay, here I am, Tigger-darling! *lol* I have just posted, and you have too! Great minds think alike, hu? I hope you get to be in that play you where talking about. And that the triathalon...how do you spell that?...will have you in it! I don't think that I would be able to do that, with swimming, biking, and running all in a row! Whew! Good luck, darling!

- Piglet

Jen said...

Meli - I am praying for you with the news of your friends moving. God is in this, too. Just think of what wondrous things He is doing in your heart.

Mrs. G

Hanna said...

My petticoats are getting wet! Hurry up and post!!!!