
they've named themselves by their blogs

Blogs. What's so neat about them is they are easy to access, (some) fun to read, and individualized to their authors likings. You can learn a lot about a person from just one post: how they deal with anger, disappointment, happiness, and other feelings on a day to day basis. Some bloggers steer from the "diary" style and opt for picture posts or inspirational stories. Another thing you can learn from blogs is the character/heart of the blogger. If the posts are screaming the perfection of the bloggers life daily, chances are that person IS NOT real. However, reading the comments also lets you in on some secrets. In the example of the 'perfect blog' comments may be left by fellow perfectionists, or followers who are simply baffled by the obstacle that they cannot fit as much as that blogger does in one day. The comments are probably the only way that you can tell if that blogger is actually perfect or a least pulling it off to the majority of the population. Probably the BEST thing about blogs is different opinions. Whether stated without knowing any of the facts, or with supporting links are pictures, bloggers enjoy having a voice in this technology-filled age. Even better? YOU have the power to choose what you will say.


Jen said...
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miss_lep said...

oh Meli! I enjoy your thoughts. I think I mostly stay about from the diary blog and post random pictures and things of interest that I feel like sharing. :P

♥Miss Writer said...

What do you think is your style of blogging Mel? Inspirational or "diary style" as you call it?

~Miss Writer~

Jen said...

Meli - I would delete the last portion of my comment above if I could. My attitude was so wrong and flippant. Forgive me!

Lvoe you - Mrs. G