We have possession of the ball. With 2 minutes left on the clock we still have a chance of winning-or at least tying and going into overtime. The throw. It is a swift spiral shooting in an explosion. Each second that passes by brings hope and excitement. He leaps into the air. Ready to catch. He grabs the ball. The only problem? He isn't on our team. Over the loud speaker "interception" can be heard. This occurrence may be viewed to some as unfortunate, or just plain typical to those of us who are from the same school. :} In an effort to keep a constant posting schedule I am scribing now, after the football game.
I must say I had an excellent day today! In fact this entire week has been filled with optimism and blessings. I have caught the common cold once again. If only I could be immune to it like I am poison ivy. Any time anyone is sick and comes with in 5 feet of me I am contaminated and suffer the consequences I most certainly didn't ask for. Now my mum is making me take cold medicine. If I have built up immunity to anything it is probably that. =/ Ironic, isn't it? Story of my life. *laughs*
-Miss Organic Lady. -
cute thing. nice story of the football game. hehehe
I SOOOOO SO SO SO WISH I WAZ COMING 2 Youth Group. I can't wait to talk to you on Monday!
Nice intro, very descriptive..honing those writing skills eh? Maybe you'll be a sports reporter! or a famous journalist..who knows??
Muwah, Muwah, Muwah, Muwah.
That was for Sunday when I was not at church!
Mrs. G
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