Here are some photographs from the past weekend of chaos and busyness.(it is good to be back!)
flag line.
Dance team. I was helper for 5-7th grade class since my sister was running. after church...Baking for chili cookoff. dance practice with Erica. Chili cookoff. I was hostess. Oh, *muah, muah, muah, muah* to Inglesidemom who I missed ever so dearly on Sunday! (and pinkchicky... =] piglet)
school. I was super tired and the entire day was hours glazed over. Even after 9 hours of sleep, the sleep deprivation from the weekend. The good side? I got to talk to Little Miss Writer on the phone. That lifted my spirits. :) Thanks, babe!
Test after test! But, at least I am awake and happy. =] My grandma came over and shortly after she left my grandpa and uncle(other side of the family) came to take a visit. The drama? we are getting a garage!!! Perhaps it isn't a big deal-but for not having one it is rather exciting to see the project progress along quite nicely.
aw you both ! look so pretty !
And who's the pirate dude ?
I love your homecoming outfit, you are 'gorgeous babe'! *lol*
BTW what is the name of this song on your blog????
Love the hair! Love the template!
I agree with Mrs. G. I'm glad I talked you in to coming to the dance. Its more fun when you're around.
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