The breeze brushes over me and the distant giggles of huddled girls in a corner can be heard.
Squeaky, clean shoes amidst a shiny, wooden floor. The constant drum beat of dribbling basketball. They tell me to shoot the ball. My arm propels up as if my life depends on it. The ball goes in slow motion the the rim. It doesn't hit the rim, though. *SWOOSH* The ball slides through the net as if it was water. A chorus of "nice shot" begins to be sung. If only this was during a game-not just practice.
A cold breeze slides over me. I want to huddle some where warm. Our last marching band practice. Rather sad! I have enjoyed this season, but even more, I have enjoyed these signs of fall.
I am excited for tomorrow. Being the last football game of the season it is against Sabrina's school. The youth group came and watched the game last year, and they will be coming again to watch since both Sabrina and I are on flagline-just for different schools.
Lovely paragraph! Have fun tomorrow night at the game.
Mrs. G
Twirl you little heart out!
Tonight should be really fun. I'm looking forward to seeing you in flagline!
About the driving test...I actually forgot the certificate from the driving school when I went to the driving bureau, so I couldn't take it. I'll be taking it Tuesday, instead.
Tag! You're it! Check my blog for directions.
Mrs. G
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