


The snow briskly drifts down as beet red fingers grasp the chilled plastic encasement. Down feathers can't keep out the laughter or the cold chills that run down the spine and the quieting shivers. Chattering teeth and lips that form words of happiness and encouragement. You couldn't see my smile-but you can hear my joy. So far away, Thank goodness for technology!
I love going outside for my phone conversations. ;) I am usually out there for around an hour, but catching up with a good friend, or soaking in God's creation with an after-conversation-walk is completely worth every moment spent!

I have been in preparation for auditions. This year's musical will be Sound of Music. After watching Julie Andrews spectacular performance I am enthralled and excited to try-out no matter what part I may receive. I sing because I love to worship God that way, but I am no choral champion in the least and I am a musician. Put the notes before me and I get out my flute, but when it comes to matching my voice it is like I have an English accent. The choir teacher has been helping me during lunch. I am an audio learner-so hearing the piano makes a difference. I think my devotion is working for my betterment.
Another new faze. I like to call this one the healthy homemaker faze. I suddenly want to walk outside to collect fresh herbs. I have always liked to cook and take care of animals, but I suddenly was sparked interest. I have some things for my hope chest, (which I mentioned in a previous post), and I simply want to cook organic meals.

Love Pictures, Images and Photos



Jen said...

Beautiful, descriptive post! I ahve missed hearing your thoughts, but I know you are busy.

When you can, post pics or a list of what you have saved for your hope chest. I am very interested!

Mrs. G

♥Miss Writer said...

I luved talking to you yesterday. We should get together soon.

luv ya like a sis!


Anonymous said...

I miss the cuddly sock monkeys:(
but this is a cute background too, it's just that I have a thing for sock monkeys:).

miss_lep said...

I agree with mom. maybe our needles blog can have sock momkeys. I like your love graphic thing.