
to take a breath.

Inspiration is a funny thing. For me, the oddest things make me want to write, or motivate me to go out for a nice run. Inspiration gives passion, or vice versa. A little song can get me excited, and a little bump in the road can give me freedom and power. I learned something valuable last night at our church's harp and bowl: give up your burdens up to God, if you want to see him do amazing things in your life.
Track is going well. I am doing the high jump, and this past friday I cleared 4'6. The cliche "raising the bar" I have realized comes from the track and field event. My stress fracture hasn't hurt, so it seems to be healed. God has showed me how to patient through it, but alas! I still need to learn. Some lessons are life-long. ;)
I have missed comments, and apparently I'm not the only one who has stopped blogging/reading blogs. Track isn't the only reason I haven't been able to get online. Our school is putting on the spring musical. This year we are doing The Sound of Music. This coming week is called tech-week. (That's why I won't be at youth group.) Tech-week is where all the lighting and scenes are used. It is basically running the show every night-dress rehearsals. The next two weekends the play will be going on, and this friday we will be performing for my fellow peers, the entire high school.

To my lovely sister: Happy 18th birthday darling. hope you feel better.

inspiration. hmmm, I feel inspired to play my guitar. =]
-Miss organic Lady.


♥Miss Writer said...

*gives you a cookie*

There ya go!


Hanna said...

Hey, Tigger!
I see people are back on the bloginf earth! Prais the Lord!
I emailed you back, btw.
See you Sunday!

The Girl Next Door said...

Hey Meli!

That's wonderful that your stress fracture hasn't hurt. Praise God. I'm so glad you are having a great time in track. I want to see you do those high jumps!

Ohhh...The Sound of Music. I've seen that play before. I bet you're gonna do awesome at it! Break a leg!!! lol

I miss you.

Your prayer partner,

miss_lep said...

Thanks sissy! love ya!